
Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't use Mop and Glo

Just a little heads up - don't use Mop and Glo to clean your floors. Yes, it leaves a beautiful shine and the floor looks so good. But, if you use it for two or three years and don't ever strip it off it leaves behind years of build up that end up making the floors look worse than ever.
I did not realize what I was doing to my floors with years of mop and glo. I usually only used it once a month, but the build up was incredible. We rented a buffing machine and the guy at the store suggested we use the "white" scrubber to clean the floors. After an hour or two and seeing minimal progress we went back and got the "blue" scrubber that was more coarse and made much faster progress. It still took twelve hours of hard work - scrubbing and mopping and wipping up goopy gunk off the floor, and I still need to mop a few more times to get the final layers of white film off.

Time is passing

Days pass and I think of so many things to write down and to share and then I don't and then I forget what I wanted to share.

Two weeks ago Jeremy graduated with his Bachelors degree - I was going to post pictures and everything - but I haven't even got them off my camera yet. Congratulations to Jeremy! He hates school, but he made it. I am very proud of him. We are applying to graduate school for him to become a nurse anesthetist. School starts in January and hopefully we will be going to Pennsylvania or North Carolina. As time gets closer to this reality I realize how much I love Saint George and I will miss it, but I am looking forward to the adventure of living someplace different.

I had a beautiful Mothers Day on Sunday. I love being a mother. At church Sister Murdock spoke and reminded us that all women are "mothers" regardless of child status - we nurture and we love and that is what we as women do. I was primary chorister ( I just got changed to a counselor in the Primary) and for Mother's day we sang the first and third verses to "The Family is of God" (click on it to listen to it) which is a beautiful song that was an optional song for January for the Primary kids to learn.
The third verse says
A mothers purpose is to care, to share
to nurture and to strengthen all her children
she teaches children to obey to pray
to love and serve in the family

the words come from the family proclamation. I thought it was a wonderful song to sing for mother's day - such a wonderful tribute to mothers and what they do for us.

Becca is quite the little shopper. At the store she fills the cart with all the things she wants. She is on to me and realizes that I put back what she puts in the cart. The other day she had put a few things in the cart and then she said "Let's go" and she started pushing the cart to the front of the store. She knew that if we didn't get to the check out quick all of her items would be removed from the cart. Today at the store I took something to the dressing room to try on. Jeremy was out with the kids, but soon here came a little head until the door and in came Becca with a pair of shorts to try on. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery. I hope that I am always being a good example for Becca to follow.

A recent favorite phrase for Becca is "that's awesome"
Jeremy calls Becca "bossy cow" and Becca always replies, "no, you bossy cow, dad".
She really is becoming quite bossy - and so very independent. She does not like to do what we ask her, she only wants to do what she wants to do when and how she wants. She is my challenge right now. Good thing she is so sweet and so cute. She is so cute with Lydia - always trying to make her laugh.