
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My First Garden

Peas - started in a window box, which I will transfer to my garden outside very soon. The picture on the right are my tomato plants that I started. I hope they will thrive - nothing is better than fresh tomatoes - yum!

We are prepping our garden boxes with the "perfect soil". We used equal parts of compost, vermiculite and peat moss. We built the box (basically just railings to keep the dirt in) on top of existing soil instead of digging the dirt out. Doing a garden this way because it doesn't matter what existing soil is like, because you don't use it. Another nice thing is there is no rotertilling. With this soil you just add new compost to it and mix it in. This soil is very light and airy and is full of nutrients to encourage the plants to grow very nicely. I've never tried this method before - I've never tried any gardening method before - so I'm excited to see how it works out

Because I'm not using existing soil I can do this garden where ever I want. We have a place in the backyard we want to do out garden, but it isn't ready yet. Living in St. George has definite advantages to growing vegetables - I plant now (or within the next few weeks) and I start enjoying my harvest sooner. So we are starting our garden in the front yard. In the picture, the side of the lumber that Becca and Charlie are on will be filled in with soil and we will plant corn and peas and tomatoes. I haven't decided what else I would like to grow, but those for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so strange to see no snow... we are definitely not ready for planting! I love gardening and so does Scott. We love to grow peas, tomatoes, jalepenos, green peppers, broccoli (it grows great here), zuchinni, and onions. All stuff we use quite often. Isn't it nice to be able to provide your family with food?